Aberfeldy Stories

Photographer JC Candanedo explores how the iconic East London neighbourhood of Aberfeldy Village has evolved over the past decade, as well as the lives of the residents within the community.

By JC Candanedo

“The project features portraits of residents, business owners and community leaders, and marks the 10-year milestone of the Aberfeldy development.”

“The audio stories about how their lives have changed since the regeneration began and their hopes and dreams for the future were created in collaboration with local arts collective The People Speak.”

This work was commissioned by Poplar Harca and Ecoworld in partnership with ARCS. The exhibition Aberfeldy Stories will be open to the public at East India Green, Aberfeldy Village, London E14 0GH, in Poplar until December 2022.

Find more info here


Photography: JC Candanedo
Hair and makeup by Aaliya Hoke
BTS Photographer Facundo Bustamante
Creative direction Gemma Albone
Production Maleena Pone

About JC Candanedo

JC is a Catalan-Panamanian visual artist based in London. He uses photography to examine issues of identity, mental health and ideology, and he’s passionate about making use of the visual arts to encourage social transformation.

His work has been long-listed for the National Portrait Gallery’s Taylor Wessing Award; shortlisted for the Royal Photographic Society; and he was a Silver Award recipient at the AOP Photography Awards 2020. His photography has also been featured on the BBC and in The Guardian, as well as in other major UK publications.

JC seeks to stimulate those looking at his work to engage in inner dialogues concerning the issues that affect our communities, which he deeply cares about. Ultimately, his goal is to deepen viewers' awareness of these issues and encourage participation in driving social change.

To see more of his work, visit his website or follow him on Instagram

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