The streets of New York

In this project, photographer Cody Cutter delves into the vibrant tapestry of the streets of New York City, undertaking a profound exploration of its diverse denizens. Motivated by an inherent curiosity, he seeks to isolate singular individuals within the bustling multitude, aiming to cast them in a distinctive light that unveils the nuanced layers of their existence. Operating on intuition, Cody adeptly captures the unique moments each person experiences within themselves, creating a poignant connection that resonates across the collective human experience.  

Photography Cody Cutter

About Cody

Born in New Jersey in 1992, Cody Cutter grew up running around the beaches and playing sports. After a few semesters at university studying photography was what he ultimately wanted to do. While enrolled in photography school for two years, he veered off the traditional academic route when a compelling job offer in NYC presented itself in 2017. Intuitively choosing practical experience over the classroom setting, Cutter's gamble paid off as it provided him with invaluable insights and a richer understanding of photography. Since then, he has called the city home, where his distinctive work has garnered recognition, featuring in prominent platforms such as Yahoo, The Cut, and L’Officiel. 

To see more of his work, visit his website or follow him on Instagram

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